
Pattadar Passbook Online Status Check in Andhra Pradesh

The Government of Andhra Pradesh is offering online services for the issue of Pattadar Passbooks and Mutation (epassbooks) for the farmers and citizens of the state. The people can now apply for the pattadar passbooks online and keep checking / tracking the status of your pass book and mutation online.

The online applications will go the VRO concerned and he / she will contact the applicant for the verification of the applications and enclosures attached like aadhaar, registration copies, old passbook copy etc.

After verification, the VRO will enter the details online and the same will be processed through RI, MRO / Tahasildar and RDO concerned. After successful online verification at each stage, the passbook will be sent for the printing.

The passbooks will be printed in Chennai and posted through India Post to the concerned RDO office. From there the epassbook will be dispatched to the MRO / Tahasildar office concerned. You can collect the book from the MRO office/ VRO concerned.

You can track the entire process through the application number / transaction number you will be assigned at the time of application submission at mee seva. The MU and TAMU number will be sent to your registered mobile number through which you can track the process.

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    1. You can check with your transaction number provided to you at the time of applying for the passbook. It may also available with the receipt given by mee seva or in the SMS you received at the time of application submission.

      1. Dear sir,
        please update my pattadhar e-passbook
        my e-passbook has been approve i am not received till now .
        my e- passbook number is (MU011501192161)

        1. Dear sir,
          please update my pattadhar e-passbook
          my e-passbook is approved and sent for printing. MU011501435086 updete me the present status

        2. Dear sir,
          please update my pattadhar e-passbook
          my e-passbook is approved and sent for printing. MU011703401739.but I didn’t get it till now.please update me the present status

        3. Dear sir,
          Please update my pattadar e passbook. application ID TARMU011801199072, mutation number MU011801199072. i have applied my pattadar e pass book on 16/8/2018. my passbook was approved andDear sir,
          Please update pattadar e passbook application ID TARMU011801199072, mutation number MU011801199072.i have applied my pattadar e pass book on 16/8/2018. my passbook was approved and sent for printing also.and after one and half month i seen online status it was showing my pattadar e passbook dispatched from msp couriers but i didn’t get it till now , please give me ur suggestion I’m waiting

        4. Dear sir
          Please update my pattadhar e passbook
          My e passbook has been approve I am not received till now
          my e passbook nomber is

      2. sir,
        please update my pattadhar e-passbook
        my e-passbook has been approve i am not received till now .
        my Katha number :1523 please send me my address NAME) Nukavarapu Venkateswararao ,S/O Nukavarapu Srinivasarao, house number 2-82 ,Jujjuru road, vellanki village ,Verulapadu MD, Krishna district, pin 521181,

    2. Dear sir

      I Gnvssv Prasad applied for e passbook on 4th June,2016
      my application no is MUO11602424747 and transation no.TAMUO11602426767 and printing MUO11602358274.

      Kindly do the need ful

      Thanking you

    3. Dear sir,
      please update my pattadhar e-passbook
      my e-passbook has been approve i am not received till now .
      my e- passbook number is

    4. Sir please my passbook not delivered my home please passbook track informashion passbook details send me (Katha number 1523)andhra Pradesh Krishna district Verulapadu MD vellanki village pin 521181

    1. I couldn’t reach my pattadar passbook till now I applied before 8months please take care about that and send my passbook

    2. Your request for (E-PASSBOOK SERVICE) has been entered vide Application No:(RPP011600468959), Transaction No:(TARPP011600468959) and sent to Dept.,
      I got above messages but i didn’t get pass book till now

      1. Hello Raju,
        You can track the status of epassbook with application / reference number on meeseva website.

  1. i has received my e passbook number MV011501159035 through SMS and i want to check the status in online where i go and how can i check it and get it.
    pls tell the process

  2. What is the website to check the status of Mutation/ e pattadar passbook. I have my application no. & transaction no. Could you please email to me.

  3. Hi,

    This is chiranjeevi, applied e pass book at anakapalli in Visakhapatnam district, how much time to get e passbook after all verifications complete.

    Can you please suggest how can I check my e passbook status in online.
    Thanks in advance for reply.

  4. Dear sir,
    please update my pattadhar e-passbook
    my e-passbook has been approve & i am not received till now .
    my e- passbook mutation number is (MU011500487400). my contact no is 9492272743.my name is k.bhavanarushi .


    1. I applied for E-PassBook through Meeseva Vide Transaction Id 011501294923 Application Application No MU011501294923 customer V N Subbaraju Dandu dist. Visakhapatnam, mandal yellamanchili ,village. Kokirapalli on 28/08/2015.for new Pattadar passbook and received SMS approved and sent for printing but the passbook not received sofar please verify and sent present stage of Pattadar passbook

  5. If mutation has done correctly upto last step then you will get a message from printing office. After 10 days we will get a message with India post tracking ID to our contact menctioned. If mutation is done properly . Other wise a pending file will be in mee seva dashboard. Better to review in MRO office

    On October 23rd i got a message as your pass book is approved and send for printing. But today I got message as Your e-Pass Book Request has been Rejected RPP011500234614.
    So,please kindly tell me about why it is happend. Thanking you sir/madam.

  7. Hi Sir,
    Can you please provide the Site where we have to check for further.

    If you dont mind,can you please share the screen shots for reference to understand, what is the p’book number and where we can find it and where to enter .

    – Siva Kanta

  8. Dear Sir,

    In adangal my Name was updated and i received sms in december 2015 from td meeseva that due to floods passbook was delayed.
    Please update my pattadhar e-passbook status.

    Mutation number is MU011501218421

    Contact number is 9603152148

  9. Dear sir,
    please update my pattadhar e-passbook
    my e-passbook has been approve & i am not received till now . my contact no is +919663435859.my name is SUKUMAR.A. my address is sukuamar.a,s/o A.anjinareddy,seshapuram (v) kalipi (p0) roddam (ma) penukonda (ta) anantapur (dt) A.P – My mail id is :- skumar_spuram@yahoo.co.in

    am waiting for your kind reply sir pls.

  10. sir,i didnt get any message but i had received the slip of epass now it has been lost is there any way to check the status

  11. Dear sir,
    please update my pattadhar e-passbook
    my e-passbook has been approve & i am not received till now .
    my e- passbook mutation numbers is (MU011501104833 ,MU011501104877).

  12. Dear sir,
    please update my pattadhar e-passbook
    my e-passbook has been approve i am not received till now .
    my e- passbook number is (MU011501700747)

  13. Respected sir, I have not been received my e.pass book & the mutation nos are MU011501692983 & TAMU011501692983 were submitted long back I.e. 3 months has gone. plz tell me status of my e pass book. My contact no .9154007556

  14. Dear sir,
    please update my pattadhar e-passbook
    my e-passbook has been approve & i am not received till now .
    my e- passbook mutation number is (MU011501692951). my contact no is 09949809485.my name is Mohammad Khaza.


  15. hello sir am applied to e pattadar pass book already two months is over but i am not recieved epass book till now what will do idnt know give me response thanks you sir ur claint v.raghavendra

    1. Dear Rajendra
      you can check the passbook details online only if they are entered by the revenue authorities concerned.

  16. Dear sir,
    please update my pattadhar e-passbook
    my e-passbook has been approved & I have not received till now .
    my e- passbook mutation number is (MV011501423109). my contact no is 9618373020.my name
    Nagalingam Swethambara Rao, Rajaka Ramalayam opposite street, Brahmin Bazar.
    Nutakki (post) Mangalagiri(Md.), Guntur(Dt.)

  17. Dear sir,
    This is m.Ashok.I applied for pattadar passbook before 5 months. I am not recieve passbook.so please provide my passbook. My passbook application nois MU011601916837 and trans no is TAMU011601916837.

    1. Dear Ashok
      Thanks for visiting.
      It take some time. The epassbook will be sent to the MRO office concerned. You can obtain the details from your VRO.

  18. Please my pattadar passbook is approved 5 months but my passbook is not there so I have applied replace ment one month before but there is no my passbook replace ment transaction number TARPP011600409187 SO PLEASE ME details

    1. Contact the VRO concerned. The epassbok will be sent to the MRO office usually with in 30 days after the submission of online application.

  19. Dear sir, I smt. D. Laxmi bai, purchased a land in village Shathapurm,Mandel Pallakuti, DT. Warangal and I applied for patta pass book 3 yr before when I got it,till to day, dit not received my pass book kindly do the needful and inform to me

    1. Respected Lakshmi bhai garu,
      Contact the VRO concerned for the status. The process has been changed and now pass books will be issued online only.

  20. Hi Sir,
    I applied the E- Pattadari pass bopok on December 24th, i got the message from approved and printed the My Message : [ ” Your Request for (MUTATION AND E- PASSBOOK ) has been entered vide Application no: MU011501737431 ), Transaction No: (TAMU 011501737431 )and sent to Dept ” ] after that i checked on esave also there it was saying ur E-passbook has been printed and dispatched. But Still i am not getting my E-Pattadari pass book . This is i check last month .But i don’t know what is the issue. I asked to my VRO. he said to me. it will come through the postle Department. But still i am not able to get it. If any one knows the issue please tell me.

    Thanks in Advance,

    1. Dear Nagavara prasad garu,
      The epassbooks will be sent to the MRO office concerned and not to the applicant. The VRO is aware of everything and may misguide you for money. Contact MRO once it is dispatched.
      All the best.

    1. Dear Murthy garu,
      the application might not get processed through mee seva. The details will be updated as soon as it is processed. Please check with the VRO concerned.

  21. Sir,
    Please update my e-passbook,applied in the month of January-2016,
    I didn’t received so far. My pass book application no.MU011601923784 and Tranction Id No.TAMU011601923784
    Cell No.9440559309

    1. Dear Radha Rani garu
      There is so much delay in issuing passboks. The corruption has been institutionalised at the ground level. The revenue officials may be looking for the money from you to issue title deds. Handle them with care to get the work done.

  22. Sir,
    I have applied for E-pass book in Kadapa District Produttur in december 2015 once I got message from Meseva dat chennai affected vth floods and till now I didnt received anything that E-passbook vl come to home are I have to collect in MRO office

    1. Dear Nandu
      Yes, you need to collect epassbook from MRO office. You can also contact VRO concerned for the details.
      Thank you for visiting.

  23. Hi Sir,

    How Pani Records are getting change this days in Mandal office. We purchase 2 acres agriculture land in year 2007 from vaddar papaya. during that time patta pass book was on vaddar papaya name and we have photo copy and bank mortigage photo copies and release paper on vaddar papaya name and suddenly land records are change to his wife by saying is died in year 2005 in MRO records but in actual he is still alive. what we should do now in order to make the pass book on our name. it is reject by saying there is no vaddar papaya name in phani

    1. Hi David
      You have to get some proof that the land is in your possession and then apply for the epassbook through online centers in AP. Get in touch with the VRO concerned to obtain relevant proofs and documents.
      Thanks for visiting.

  24. Dear sir,
    please update my pattadhar e-passbook
    my e-passbook has been approve i am not received till now .
    my e- passbook number is (MU011602054058)

    1. Dear Anil Kumar
      epassbooks will be sent to the MRO office concerned. You can contact the VRO for the process to be followed to get epassbooks and title deed.
      All the best.

  25. Dear sir,
    This is Sunil.I applied for pattadar passbooks recently. I want to know my current status of e-pass books and my application no is MU011602087562,MU011602087733,MU011602087879.

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Dear Sunil
      Thanks for your feedback.
      You can check the status of epassbook through entering mutation or applications details on mee seva website.

  26. Hello Sir/Madam,

    I have applied for ePassBook and i lost my mutation number. Is there anyway that i can find the status based on my aadhar number. If yes, could you please share the website details to check myself.

    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks, Varma

    1. Didn’t you get the message to your mobile? Application number or payment reference number also will work to check the status of epassbook.

  27. Thanks to the authority for arrangement of e pass book and the system of doing this sort of work in this country is a boon to the people.Thanks to the Govt especially to Nara Chandra Babu garu
    v v Rama rao

  28. Sir,

    I have applied my pass book and it was approved send for printing on 15/04/2016 (MU011602130630) but till now i am n’t received and status also not updated

    please do the needful as earliest as possible

  29. HI sir this bhaskara rao. kancharlapalli I applied for pattadar passbooks recently. I want to know my current status of e-pass books and my application no MU011602141054.

  30. Dear sir,
    This is Lakshmi.I applied for pattadar passbooks 25/11/2015. it approved in 29/12/2015. i can able to see the passBook in Ap MeeSeva ( Mee Seva Certificate,in that photo ,Signature,Data).but States is not changing yet. it’s means not delived yet. please help what is the states on that .

    my application no is MU011501723685.

    Thanks in advance,

  31. Dear sir,
    This is Rama Krishna M.I applied for pattadar passbooks 25/11/2015. it approved in 29/12/2015. i can able to see the passBook in Ap MeeSeva ( Mee Seva Certificate,in that photo ,Signature,Data).but States is not changing yet. it’s means not delived yet. please help what is the states on that .

    my application no is MU011501723685.

    Thanks in advance,

  32. Hi sir,
    Recently I have received my new pattadar passbook, i told to vro i got books immediately VRO said to me title dead also required, but i thought for e passbook not required title dead, my question is title dead really required for new e pass book?

  33. dear sir
    i dont have a pattadar pass book
    please give me the website address ,where i can request for it.

    1. You can apply for pattadar epassbook from any mee seva center. You may need copies of registration documents, aadhaar number,previous passbook copy etc.

  34. my late fathers pass book dose not have patta number. how to get it back,the patta number in pass book and after death of my father, how to mutation and get fresh pass book on son’s name.we are five son’s.

  35. Hello Sir,

    I applied E pass book, i got the message “your e pass book is approved and sent for printing MU011602275010 “on May 26th 2016.

    I did not get the Dispatched message. I checked in mee seva through Application number. I am seeing the E pass book in Online. As of now i did not get the E pass book.

    How to know my e pass book dispatched ot not?

    1. Keep tracking with the reference number or application number. You will also get a message once the epassbook is dispatched.

  36. Dear sir,
    please update my pattadhar e-passbook
    my e-passbook has been approve i am not received till now .i am apply to before 8 months back
    my e- passbook number is (MU011501514124)

    sir please send me pass book to my address.

    1. Dear Ashok, the epassbook might have been received by the VRO or MRO office. Please check with these officials.

  37. Hi

    This is N.Sridevi, I applied for pattadar passbook and i received a pass book dispached message in October 2015, but till date i did not receive the passbook. Every day i am communicating MRO & VRO. They are saying not received. My passbook application no is MU011500795665.
    Based on this number i checked in Meseva center, they provided these details Patta No : 3487, Pattadar Passbook No – 04E51W006000075

    Please update my passbook status and where it is ? or provide the consignment details to track where it is?

    Sridevi N

    1. Respected Sridevi garu,
      It is too late to locate the passbook as already about an year lapsed after the dispatch. It must have been received by the VRO or MRO at that time and chances of misplace also there.

  38. Sirs,
    In meeseva, am amount of Rs.135/- towards filing of an application for mutation and e-pass book is being collected and prescribed fee and in 90 per cent of the offices, meeseva people are collecting excess amounts ranging from 50 to 75/- particularly in rural areas. More often than not, in most of the cases, the status recorded is rejected. It is not known as to why they have been rejected. Was the application enquired ? if so whom they have enquired etc., is not divulged. For the simple reason of the recording authorities callousness, after expiry of the stipulated period prescribed, the computer system is giving out as the application rejected. Then what is the fun of collecting Rs.200/-, photos, xerox copies of documents etc., Can’t be the Revenue Department pulled up and penalised in proven cases of their negligence

    1. I applied for E-PassBook through Meeseva Vide Transaction Id:TAMU011501450218 Application Application No MU011501450218 customer Orsu Prabhavathi dist. Krishna, mandal:A.Konduru,village: Kotha Repudi on 19/09/2015.for new Pattadar passbook and received SMS approved and sent for printing but the passbook not received sofar please verify and sent present stage of Pattadar passbook

      1. Dear Prabhavathi garu,
        Epassbook will be delivered to the Tahasildar / VRO concerned but not to the pattadar. Check with the VRO concerned. Bu not sure as it is too delayed. You may need to apply again if found misplaced or not delivered!

  39. hi sir i applied the pattadarpassbook my passbook approved for priting on june 3rd ..my passbook mu011602420097.and transaction no os (TAMU011602420097 ..PLZ TELL ME THE MY PASSBOOK STATUS …

    1. Hi Ravikumar Chowdary
      You can check the status by entering the transaction number in mee seva portal. You also will be updated through SMS to your mobile number.

  40. Hai sir I have applied pattadar e-Pass Book.. My pass book approved for printing Aug 20th…( MU011602601010) the status is checked by online but not delivered.. How much days get delivered pass book after printing?

  41. Sir this is purushottam . I applied pattadar pass book for mutation before four months till now i dont my pass book status process .my application number is mu011602620134 and application transaction Id no is TMU011602620134 pls inform pass book details .and how much time take to get my pattadar pass book.

  42. Hi sir,
    This is Rambabu Rayini, from Ramakur village, prakasam Dt, Ap-523260,
    I was applied my pattadar e pass book Oct 2015, Mutation number: MU011501603625. In meeseva portal showing my epassbok approved, sent for printing Dec 10th 2015 and epass book soft copy available in online portal, adangal/ 1b also available in online, But till now I did not Receive my epassbook Hard copy, I checked with my local MRO & VRO, they are saying they don’t have idea and epassbook will print in chennai,

    Could you please check and let me know my epassbook hard copy status and when can I get my epassbook,

    If it’s possible please let me know epassbook printer location office address in chennai, I will go there and check with that vendor in chennai

    please do needful,

    Thanks in advance

    Rambabu Rayini

    1. Hi Rambabu,
      You will be informed through sms if the epassbook is sent through speed post. It will be dispatched through speed post to your MRO office. If your mutation number is not showing dispatch details, something might went wrong with printer / dispatch.

  43. Hi Sir

    we applied for passbook in tirupati office and RI is asking Rs 50000 for approving and the passbook.Is there any way that I can apply online so that I don’t need to pay any bribe these people?

    NL reddy

    1. You need to apply online only for epassbook. Your VRO will process it and title deed will be prepared after receiving epassbook. First start with online application at eseva center.

  44. Dear sir,

    I applied for new pattadar passbook in august. 2016 for the agricultural land of 50 cents (19cents one number +31 cents another number total 50cents) I received passbook in Jan. 2017 but passbook is printed with only 19 cents and 31 cent not pinted in passbook.
    But in online it is showing 50 cents with two numbers. I meet with my village vro after that Mro office from one month. they are not solved my issue after one month they are telling to apply for new passbook again. I dont know how much time I have to wait for new book. But i need it in urgency. Please give me any solution to get it fast.

    With Regards
    Mail: ramanag469@gmail.com

  45. I have applied e pass book on 20/02/2017 with Application No. MU0117032054562 of Thumbalabeedu village of Alur Mandal, Kurnool District, till now I have not received e pass book, but online Adangal & 1B is generated, so i kindly requested to send my e pass book as soon as possible.

  46. Hello Sir,

    I have applied for new pattadar passbook, i have checked status it is in approved status but not yet printed i believe.. it was already crossed 40 days of time limit to print the pattadar passbook. Please cross check once and provide me the update.

    i have applied on :12/04/2017
    Approved on 11th- May-2017

    after this i didn’t see any progression.

    My transaction id is : TAMU011703354791


  47. I applied for mutation and title deed cumE-PassBook through Meeseva Vide Transaction Id
    TAMU011602719373 Application Application No MU011602719373 customer Patnala Nookaraju dist. Visakhapatnam, mandal atchutapuram ,village. Chodapalli on 29/08/2016 applied for new Pattadar passbook and received SMS approved and sent for printing but the passbook not received so please verify and sent present stage of Pattadar passbook

  48. Hi Sir ,

    I have applied for new passbook in 03-March-2017 and
    Application Number is MU011703248521. Almost 5 Months Completed but i have not yet received the passbook. Kindly check and let me know the issue.

    Thank you.


  49. Hi Sir ,

    I have applied for new passbook in 02- december- 2015 and
    Application Number is MU011501750870. transaction id is TAMU011501750870 Almost 21 Months Completed but i have not yet received the passbook. Kindly check and let me know the issue.

    Thank you.

    Regards, ramesh

  50. Mutation number is MU011703335738
    In meeseva acknowledge it shows AS “DISPATCH RETURN” .
    May I know what is the cause…

  51. hi Sir, my mother has her passbook but she lost Titledeed for her agricultural land. her land is already on webland.
    Could you please let me know what is the procedure and how to get a duplicate passbook/TitleDeed. Thanks. shiv.

  52. Dear Sir,

    I ahve applied “Mutation and Title Deed cum Pattadar PassBook” on “22/12/2018” and Its approved on 11/01/2019. Currently its status showing as “dispached” and havn’t received in mail/postal the document. Initially it was showing as dispached on 16/01/2019 with tracking number. Later after 15 days the complete search output screen changed and taken out the tracking number and status. Now there is no clue that wjhere is the passbook and when it will be delivered. Could you please check and here is the Transaction ID: TARMU011801767104 and Application ID: RMU011801767104

    1. Dear sir

      I have applied”mutation cum pattadar passbook”on29-7-2019″ application no RMU011902537783 so please help me sir.

      1. I have applied e pass book on 30/06/2020 with Application No.RMU012004641139 of Palicherlarajupalem village of Gudur Mandal, Nellore District, till now I have not received e pass book, but online Adangal & 1B is generated, so i kindly requested to send my e pass book as soon as possible.

  53. I have applied e pass book on 30/06/2020 with Application No.RMU012004641139 of Palicherlarajupalem village of Gudur Mandal, Nellore District, till now I have not received e pass book, but online Adangal & 1B is generated, so i kindly requested to send my e pass book as soon as possible.

    1. Dear sir/madam
      I have applied pattadaru passbook, do not get the e pass book till now,online adangal and online 1 B please approval and sent my my address

  54. Hi Sir ,

    I have applied for new passbook in 18-02-2021 and
    Application Number is PPB012101235703. Almost 5 Months Completed but i have not yet received the passbook. Kindly check and let me know the issue.

  55. Hi Sir ,

    I have applied for replacement of new passbooks

    ||RMU012106759013 – NAGALAKSHMI
    ||APPROVED ON : 02/07/2021
    ||RPP012101511486 – SHILPA R
    ||APPROVED ON : 25/06/2021
    ||RPP012101511478 – C S DHANUNJAYA
    ||APPROVED ON : 25/06/2021 –

    It’s been almost 2 Months Completed but i have not yet received the passbooks. Kindly check and let me know the status.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,

  56. Hi Sir,
    I Have applied “Mutation and Title Deed cum Pattadar PassBook” on “ 01/11/2021” and Its approved on 04/12/2021. Currently its status showing as “Approved” and have not received passwork so far and almost completed more than 2 months . My Application No: RMU012107790206. Could you please check and let me know the issue:)

  57. Hi Sir ,

    I have applied for new passbook in 06-10-2021 and
    Application Number is RMU01207635316. Almost 5 Months Completed but i have not yet received the passbook. Kindly check and let me know the issue.have applied pattadaru passbook, do not get the e pass book till now,online adangal and online 1 B please approval

  58. I have applied e pass book on 06/10/2021 with Application No.RMU012107635316 of Paidikalava village of vallur Mandal, Kadapa District, till now I have not received e pass book, but online Adangal & 1B is generated, so i kindly requested to send my e pass book as soon as possible.

  59. Sir please my passbook printing statas (Katha number 1523) Andhra Pradesh Krishna district Verulapadu MD vellanki village sir I am requesting please provide my passbook your reply witting this message thank you sir

  60. sir, In the Track Consignment of India post the Consignment Number : RT788112595IN shows as returned back to chennai office. But we have not received any call or any info from the concerned PO. In the track history it states as ‘Item Returned INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS’. When contacted VRO, he says we have not received yet and there are people who are waiting from over 6months.
    Kindly suggest me how to resolve this issue, as when contacted the customer care of India posts they say plz talk to senders addressee. But we do not know the exact address nor contact number as it was not mentioned in the track history. Being a senior citizen I am unable to travel frequently request to do the needful

  61. sir, I have not received my passbook applied on 10/11/2021. When tried to track the transaction details of meeseva site it states as dispatched on 08/03/2022 with Courier Ref No : RT788112595IN. I searched the Track Consignment from the India posts with the Consignment Number and there it shows as Item returned due to Item Returned INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS. When contacted the customer care, she told to contact the senders address, but unfortunately we do not know the Chennai address. Could you plz let me know how to contact and how to resolve this issue as its been more than 6months. As when contacted the concerned VRO, he says we haven’t not received yet. Thanks in advance.

  62. Hello sir,
    I have applied for my passbook on 19/10/2021, after that I have received an SMS saying passbook is approved and sent for printing. Its been more than 6 months already but I haven’t received my passbook yet, when I checked the status online it shows Status: Approved and
    Courier Name : MSP
    my VRO is saying wait for some more time.
    can someone explain what is meant by MSP and when will my passbook gets delivered

  63. Sir , I have applied for pattaddar pass book in the month of June but not received hence on suggestion of MRO i applied for replacement pass book again on 8/11/2023 still now i have not received the books, people who have applied in dec2023 have already received but not me I tried calling many times to knows the pass books printing status none is lifting the phone
    my replacement of pattadar pass books reciepts
    1)transaction id :TARPPO12302025743
    application no.:RPPO123020225743
    Khata no1941
    2)transaction id :TARPPO12302025756
    application no.:RPPO123020225756
    Khata no2028

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