
Profile of N. Raghuveera Reddy – Kalyandurg

N. Raghuveera Reddy is a strong leader in Anantapur district. He is 3 times MLA from Madakasira Assembly Constituency. He has been changed to Kalyandurg Constituency during 2009 elections after the reorganisation of constituencies. Neelakantapuram Raghuveera Reddy was contested and won from Kalyandurg Assembly Constituency in 2009 elections. He served as Minister for Agriculture in YS Rajasekhar Reddy’s cabinet an continued with the same in Rosaiah’s time as well. N. Kiran Kumar Reddy honored him with more crucial portfolio of Revenue and Urban Land Ceiling in the recent reformation of cabinet.

Raghuveera Reddy has been successful in keeping his rival and another senior MLA from Anantapur District, J.C. Diwakar Reddy away from the cabinet. The fight within the District Congress Party seems aggravating with the dissatisfaction of J.C. Diwakar Reddy faction over cabinet reformation by Kiran Kumar Reddy. The recent District Congress Committee meeting saw the clash of two groups led by Raghuveera Reddy and J.C. Diwakar Reddy. Moreover, Raghuveera Reddy has been known as loyalist of YSR family. It appears that the men in power are trying to please him through giving important portfolio in order to keep Raghuveera Reddy away from Jagan’s influence. Here is a brief profile of N. Raghuveera Reddy:

1) Name: Neelakantapuram Raghuveera Reddy
2) Father’s Name: N. Kaveerappa
3) Category: General
4) Permanent Address: Neelakantapuram (Village), H/o. Govindapuram,
Madakasira (Mandal), Anantapur District.
5) Date and Place of Birth: 12th February, 1957
6) Educational Qualifications: B.Sc., B.L.
7) Profession: Agriculture
8) Number of terms elected to Assembly: 4 Terms
9) Public Office held:
1. President, Students Union, S.K. University, Ananthapur
2. Chairman, Neelakantapuram Group of Temples
3. Chairman, Kallur Subbarao Trust
4. Minister for Agriculture
5. Minister for Revenue
10) Marital Status: Married
11) Name of the Spouse: Smt. N. Sunitha Raghuveer
12) Number of Children: One Son and One Daughter
13) Hobbies: Reading autobiographies of great people
14) Special Interest: Working for poor people
15) Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Visiting tourist places frequently.

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