Telangana Land Records, Pahanis, Pass Books Website

The government of Telangana state has launched a new website for the details of lands in all the districts of Telangana. The land records, Pahanis, pattadar pass books of all types of lands can be accessed from .

Land details of Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy, Medak, warangal, nizamabad, adilabad, Mahaboobnagar, Khammam, Nalgonda, and Karimnagar districts of Telangana are available on the website.

Maa Bhoomi Portal for Telangana Land Records

You can obtain details of lands distribution in all the mandals of various districts of Telangana through the website. It gives all the previous data of lands in the state of Telangana.

The data can be accessed free of cost. You need to login to get district land details. The website has to be upgraded a lot in order to be more user friendly.

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  1. Please advise how I can access my land records such as Pahani online. I am from a small village in Adilabad District but currently reside elsewhere. But I can access online. Thanks.

    1. Need Pahani and EC details. Please help me how to get it.
      It is related of Medak District and Mandal.

  2. Sir i am from Nalgonda mandal Narayanapur. we purchased Patta land in 1993 under ROR we received Pattadar passbook but in mandal and village record not changed now pahani coming on the name of seller who sold land to me. so how can i check it my name in ROR record. here revenue department people told me to re register the land now.

    please help me to solve this problem

    1. My father expired. So we divided our land among four brothers. Our names have to enter in “PAHANI REGISTER”
      Is there any prescribed form in tahsil office ?

    2. Apply for mutation pay in mee seva , and submit the relevant docum,ents in the mandal office the MRO is obliged to act upon.

  3. We may be able to access pahani, passbook etc. free of cost. That is OK. But it requires user-name and password. How to obtain them ? Can any body explain ? There is no “new user” or “forgot password” option.

  4. Hi All,
    I hope this website has not properly organized I am not able to see my land records.
    We need to input User ID and password how will get user ID and password and there is no option to create our own.

    Telangana GOVT need to do a lot to stream line these kind of things and od not publish to public without having proper procedure in place.

    Thank you.


  5. Sir,
    I am from kaimnagar district and during our family divide inherited some agriculture land which I never cultivated due to my stay at Hyderabad.None of the lands is on my name,either they are on my father or uncle’s name who are no longer or on my brother’s name. What is the procedure in order register them on my name.

    1. Hi Ram,
      You should make a partition deed among the surviving family members / successors and get registered that document at SRO. This is the basic and simple procedure following by all. Regards.

  6. Sir,
    We are Having Lands in Shad Nagar Village,
    Please help to login
    How to Register? & How to Login?

    1. Hi Akshay Kishore,
      You need not login to check the land details. Check the deed / EC with survey numbers for details.

  7. We may be able to access pahani, passbook etc. free of cost. That is OK. But it requires user-name and password. How to obtain them ? Can any body explain ? There is no “new user” or “forgot password” option.

    1. Hi Pradeep,
      That logins are for Mee Seva Centers to access more data. General public can not access some data on the site.

  8. hey my fellow telangana friends , first u mind this is our ” bangaru telanaga” not works any thing properly in governement organisations,no records available online freely, u must pay money at meeseva and get what u want only on cost,off course andhra pradesh governement providing all that revenue records on-line free asses,but mind that is ,not telangana government

  9. Hi,

    I can see the meebhoomi portal for the andhrapradesh state is the same is available for the Telangana state. I need to access the the village map and the survey naksha of my land located in Rangareddy district.

    Please help me with the info


  10. Sir i am from Medak district Ramayampet Mondal venkatapur[r] village i have patta land at my village i.e 2-24 guntas sy no 752 E&E1. i got this land RORpatta in 2006.But in 2013 patta adjustment between two parties.In this adjustment i lost my patta land now my land in revenue records i.e 1-15 guntas .What is a meaning of adjustment.i was confused.I lost my ramaining land i.e 1-09 guntas please help me to clarify this problem Thanking you sir,

  11. is there any other process to check my land records by online by staying in home because i stay in abroad plz suggest me soon

  12. What is the purpose of the website, if we cannot access the details?

    Is there any related website to see the passbook, pahani details for Karimnagar?


  13. Hi,
    Sir actually im very tense we are having a house , in the survey we have given all kinds of detials , all my neighbour got the patta , but i still havent received, when i ask in office, they woulf say that they will come to place to give the Pattas
    my queries is how to track it?
    please respond it im eagerly waiting for it

  14. Sir
    total land was 50 acres total 4 members got it
    so not divided land other parsons is land sell land
    my land was very rocks. I will meet to the parsons will accepted
    my proposal and other parsons agreement 20 Rs bond paper 30 cents land
    extra given on 2004. not accepted that the agreement on 2014.
    please assist me

  15. dear sir, actually we have property which is located at nalgonda district and near premises also that is our four father’s lands we came from there long back its about 30 years ago we are having all survey numbers with us how can we proceed

    1. first you should get the online pahanies from any mee seva center for the said survay numbers and verify who is the present posesser and ask the concerned Tahsildar by RTI for how they could come to possession over that survay numbers

    1. Hi Gopal Reddy garu,
      Yes, the general public may not avail all the data on the land records website. The mee seva people have to login through the site to apply for various online services.

  16. Hi ,
    I want to see my Pahani,ROR & 1B records in telangana land records website. I purchased Patta lands in my village and I applied for passbooks through “MESEVA ” for past 16 months completed but i didnt get still passbooks .

    Thank You
    K Karunakar,

  17. Sir, When it is online even laymen should see his application Trak, where exactly his application processed,we not asking Free of cost, for every request we r paying,so it should be Transparent to avoid kik backs.So it(ur online infermation)should be friendly user…..SUBASH GOUD.

    1. I have purchased a 1000 yards by registered document in pillalamari revenue village in suryapet mandal nalgonda district and I also converted agriculture land into non agricultural land. And taken proceeding from RDO suryapet. And I also given a application to the thahasildar suryapet to MYUTATION and also enter in revenue records. But he is not doing. He is telling to me To do the land is in yards. There is no G.O. to do. Is it correct. What can I do
      Please give me advice to me. If my land not enter revenue records.
      Ho sell to me. he is trying to sell to another person by using the revenue records.
      I am waiting for your advice.

  18. Hi I have a problem that after the partition of my father and uncles did not any registration now also land is in grandfather’s name my father n all uncles are expired now we all want to sell the property how to do this

  19. I thought the webland is for general public and tried accessing the data but its asking for username and password.

    when it is not for the general public then this land cannot be called as Bangaru-Telangana.

  20. i want my land pass book details in warangal distrect can i get by putting my pattadhar pass patta number on line since i lost my pass book & how to get new pass book #& how to mutate some survay numbers to my name since we brothers mutuvally exchanged

  21. Sir
    I am from Nalgonda mandal Athmakur(m). we are 4 brothers divided in 1993 under RI ROR we received Pattadar passbook,we pay land tax (1994-1989)and also mondal office given pahani in 2011-12 but now not give the information this time. that pahani coming anther brother he was sold.he was given registration paper at mondal office. I was given complaint at mondal office 6 month’s complet pahani not com. how to solve.(not responding in mondal officers )

    please help me to solve this problem

  22. I want to check how much land of my father’s in kankhurthy village, , i have paper (document) of that land, but the document will be in telugu, and i can’t understand the telugu written language
    I want to check the land detial of kankhurty, so plz help me how to check the land detial online in English

  23. sir, i am from adilabad dist” i have purchased 80 guntas of land and made it into 20 plots and executed sale deeds for 18 plots in the 2005&2006 and 2 plots are kept for my own, the sucessers of plots from me have sold the said plots occupying the roads place laid by me and changing boundaries &extents and benefited financially as result my plots are disturbed/blocked ,to whom shall i approach for complaint or get justice ple advice

  24. certain SRO”s are cooperating the land grabbers by admitting the bogus documents with out verifying the geuninity of the link it should be stopped first by the department of registration

  25. i have agriculture land of 3 acres in ghatkesar mandal, it is registered in 1999 and passbook is also issued. now in online when i check pahani the details are not updated. please suggest how to proceed and how to update my details in online pahanis.

  26. sir we need previous year 1950 to 1955 records of My father kareemhussinkhan and grand father khasimkhan,s total land records pleas reply devarakonda local nalgonda dis devarakonda tq

  27. My father bought a assigned land unknowingly from SC candidate back in 1989 and it was registered and hand over the passbooks. we recently oticed that per 2005 land record changes it has RED MARKED has govt land. How do we proceed to get it correct and make it sell-able to others?

    Nalgonda Mandal, Domapalapally village

  28. one of my client transfered land from her mother in-law after her death.but the thasildar office not issuing the patta and pass books.the reason they are saying that they dont have books and they have to get from their head many months will it take for get the books? if to whom i have to complaint.kindly give good advise
    thank you sir.

    1. Dear Narasimha chary garu
      yes. There may be some shortage of books but that should not be for so many months as like in your case. Contact the MRO and ask for the details.

    1. Dear Mamatha garu
      You can visit the sub registrar office concerned for the certified copies of pahani,EC etc.

  29. Sor, we having a land belongs to our great grand father property from 1959 at khajaguda villsge, Lingampally mandal, Ranga reddy district. But unfortunately in the year of 2007-08 the record changed by some body. The land sy. No. 82 what can I do sir just suggest me

  30. Hi,

    kindly help me , MRO has given a 5 acres land to my grand father to cultivate in survey number ** , that time the granted 5 acres land was in under SCCL control , SCCL managment has took lease form govt, recently SCCL has returned to govt. now few local leaders and advocates are involved and taking back those cultivating lands irrespectively, saying that these lands are not “register land” that’s why we are taking back.

    please some one help , how to stop this.let me know if you need more details on this. my mail id “”

  31. Hai Sir,I have purchased the agriculture land in Medak dist, but the Pahani was in the name of the seller,Now i wanted to update the Pahani in my Name, What i should do,Suggest me,now in online when i check pahani the details are not updated. please suggest how to proceed and how to update my details in online pahani

    Please do the needful

  32. My self and my mother having a 2 acres of land (1 ac on my name ans 1 ac on my mothers name ) . In the year 2004 we got ROR entry and patta Passbooks with patta no’s : 169 and 170 (survey no: 53) in Muraharipally (village), Medchal (mandal), Ranga Reddy District, in the same year i have completed govt survey and constructed a house with Muraharipally grampanchayat permission and paying house tax since 2004. In manual records i have my entry. it is missing in online survey records. I request you to give the procedure for online entry.

  33. Hi ,

    What is the process to update the Name of the my wife surname and husband name in Patta and pass books, now it is appear in her parents surname and father Name.

    Please help on this issue and how much time taken for this process
    *in Aadhar card details are updated

  34. Sir, being interested in greenery, i purchased 33 guntas agriculture land with an intention to make it appear more pleasant, in dec 2015 duly registered in mupparam village of dharmasagar mandal warangal. Mutation+eppb were applied for online on 29/1/2016. Till now it is pending with vro without valid reason. Transparency is only for publicity. My question is why higher authorities are indifferent towards cases where abnormally delayed defeating the very purpose of making digital. It is painful that there is no desired change in the mindset of working class. May God save the world. You may imagine from this comment how things are moving. Thank you, VVLakshmi

  35. I have submitted the application for pass book and title deeds in the month of June, 2016 and proceedings received on 23.9.2016 from Thahasildar, Chinthapally mandal, Nalgonda Dist. Telangana for the land purchased Ac.3.37 Guntas, Survey No. 21, Nasarlapally villge, Chinthapally Mandal, Nalgonda Dist. till date I did not get pass books and title deeds. It was stated issue of pass books and title deeds is stopped and e-pass books will come after taking decision of higher authorities. To whom I have to approach? Kindly help me.

  36. sir,my name is praveen I’m living in Hyderabad and having land in nalgonda district Athmakur mandal…my father was expired so I did pouji for my mother name …but till now not received passbook from vro…almost 8 months completed…what shld do…pls suggest us.

  37. Sir iI have applied forNOC for my agriculture land 20 days back but Thahasildar and DT of Bichkunda Dizt kamareddy not Responding properly hence I request you to necessary action I have submitted all documents and also I want to sale my agriculture to govt under LPS if satisfaction Rate given

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