
Voter ID Cards and Various Applications – Form 6, Form 7, Form 8 and Form 8A

Election Commission of India allows the public to enroll as voters, change the details on the cards, rectification of errors on cards etc. All these can be done by submitting relevant forms online or through BLOs across the country. Following are the forms related to various services of Election Commission.

Form 6:

Form 6 is used to enroll as a voter for the first time in the list. You cal also use Form 6 to change the vote from one constituency to another constituency. For this you need to submit latest photo, date of birth certificate copy and declaration by parents.

voter id girls

Form 7:

This form is submitted to remove your name from voter list and also to raise objections on the inclusion of your name in voter list.

Also Read: Voter Enrollment in AP

Form 8:

This is an important form. It is quite common to find errors in voter ID cards. You need to submit Form 8 to rectify these errors. You can correct such as photo, name, parents name, father / husband / spouse name etc.

Form 8 A:

Voters have to submit Form 8A to change their vote from one area to another area in a same constituency. You can change you vote from one polling station to another polling station in the same constituency.

Also Read: Change of address on Voter ID in Telangana

To check the status:

You can also check your vote status through an SMS. If you are from Andhra Pradesh, you can send the SMS in the following format:
AP <space> VOTE <space> VOTER ID No . Send this to 9223166166 / 51969. You can replace the AP with your state code.

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