
Aadhaar Cards to Your Doorstep- Mobile Centers in Hyderabad

The Government of Andhra Pradesh is making arrangements to speed up the issue of Aadhaar Cards in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Department of Civil Supplies, Govt. of AP will be introducing Mobil Centers for the issue of Aadhaar Cards. These centers will be established initially at big apartments, Gated Community Apartments, Schools etc. Joint Collector of the Hyderabad district will supervise these arrangements. Mobile Centers will be arranged for all areas populated with 3000- 4000. Apartments with minimum 150 flats will also get a mobile center. Concerned Apartment Welfare Associations have to provide space, power, drinking water for running the Mobile Aadhaar Center. The Government of Andhra Pradesh is also proposed to start similar Mobile Cards Issue Centers in other districts of the state in a gradual manner. The UIDAI has also introduced Aadhaar Enrollments at Post Offices in Andhra Pradesh.

Residents can apply online for Aadhaar Cards in Andhra Pradesh. The project is being implemented in Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Srikakulam Anantapur, East Godavari, Chittoor, Adilabad districts simaltenously and will be extended to other districts West Godavari, Nellore, Guntur, Warangal, Nalgonda, Prakasam, Krishna, Medak etc in later phases.

About 1.1 Crore applications have been received in Andhra Pradesh for Aadhaar Multi Purpose cards. This is the biggest number for any state in India. Out of these, 21.14. lakhs cards have already been issued. Filing your applications with valid and required documents will make the process hassle free.

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  1. plc send me how to get a job in Adhaar card project in ap my education B.sc. I have two years experiance in IT in LOTUS FARMS in Bangalore

  2. i am unable to check my adhaar card status when trying to check using a website iam getting different information so i request our andhra pradesh government to show the status so that people come to know everything was in proper way or not.

  3. sir iam photo deeginanu on 18-03-2011 but not recieved my adhaar card please arrenge my as ealey as possible
    thank u sir
    suroju vishwarupam
    nagarjuna chary

    my father
    suroju veera chary
    my contact no is 9848844187

  4. sir for scholar ship and education point of view they are asking aadhar card so please send my aadhar cadr soon
    enrollment no:1190/10869/00149
    date :20/03/2011
    time :22/45/02

  5. Sir we entrol for Aadhaar cards on11/01/2011 vide entrolment no’s 1027/00101/31352/31353 & 31354 time 14:18:59, 14:27:18 & 14:30:29 we regret tosay that even after 7 months we still waiting for our Aadhaar cards. I am a heart patient.

  6. our family aadhaar cards not received till date,the details are furnished below
    Name Enrolment No Date Time
    B.Ram Mohan 1027/00074/44481 27/02/2011 14:04:13
    B.Ravijyothi 1027/00074/44482 27/02/2011 14:18:56
    B.Rajesh Ram Mohan 1027/00074/44483 27/02/2011 14:23:56
    Kindly let me know the status

  7. Sir
    I stay in Tirumulgherry area, ssecunderabad.Can you let me know the nearest aadhar card issuing centres please……..

  8. requsted i am srinivas from palasa mandal till date i hve not recive my aadhar card please tell me how to get the aadhar card from the local aria of srikakulam dist palasa mandal kasibugga po and i am live in kasibugga it is my address

  9. sir , i am aresident of west bengal and working in nellore, andhra pradesh?can u please tell where can i appply for aadhar no from … kolkata or nellore?

  10. our family aadhaar cards not received till date,the details are furnished below
    Name Enrolment No Date Time
    Gujjarlapudi krishnaveni ,
    Enrolment no :1027/00986/04405 Date&time : 26/03/2011 16:27:29

    Gujjarlapudi pranay kumar,
    Enrolment no :1027/00986/04406 Date&time : 26/03/2011 16:30:44

    Kindly let me know the status

  11. Sir
    I self and my family members enrolled the aadhar in May 18th till now
    no responce pls tell me the status to my cellno 9866982222

    as soon as posible

  12. Dear Sir,

    Sub: Delay in dispatching Aadhaar cards.

    My wife and I had enrolled for Aadhaar cards in the month of May,2011 (Enrolment No: 1111/15310/00913 dt: 21/05/2011 at 15:07:38hrs & 1111/15310/00914 dt: 21/05/2011 at 15:19:46hrs). Though more than 150days have passed, we have not received the cards so far. The online status reads. “ in process : SAT June’04 23:46:19 1st 2011 & SUN June’05 05:19:00 1st 2011”. I request the concerned authorities to look into the matter and dispatch the cards at the earlier.


  13. Sir, Me and my wife applied for Aadhar cards as follows.So far did not receive any information or card.Please let me know.
    1. Dr.Venkatadri CHALASANI–2017/00614/00795 DT:06/08/2011
    AT 09.29.18

    CHALASANI. 2017/00614/00796 dt:06/08/2011
    at 09-43-48

  14. Hi Sir,
    Below is my enrolment number and date. Till now i haven’t received my Aadhaar Card.
    Enrolment number: 1190/11172/05088 Date: 30/07/2011 15:59:53

    And my photo taken at that time was not clear, it blurred. When I asked them to take the photo clearly said – its fine, no problem with the photo.” Is there any way that I can update my photo with clear picture.

    Please let me know the status on my Aadhaar card.

    Thanks and regards

  15. Hai this is ravindrababu . I want a job in Aadhar cards project. my qualification degree but 2subjects fail in final year BSC. I have good skills with computer knowledge.
    thank you
    Email :ravindrababunallepogu4@gmail.com

  16. sir i am kolusu gangadhararao.we will all apploy to aadhaar cards.eno.1171/00018/02234 1171/00018/02235 1171/00018/02236 sir last 2 cards ricived.but 1st one not ricived.pls issud my card as well as soon. Tank q sir. my ph no 9133484849 9989936997 9700234779.

  17. I am residing at Dattatreya colony , Asifnagar, Hyderabad. please let me know whwre to apply for AAdhar card..

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