Link Aadhaar and Voter ID Cards through SMS, Mobile, Internet and Call Centre
The Election Commission of India has launched the linking of EPIC Voter Card with Aadhaar Card through the separate seeding portal. The users / voters can link their Voter ID cards with Aadhaar Card through various approached such as Portal, Mobile, Self Seeding, SMS and also through Call Center seeding. Here are details:
1) Self Seeding: You can do it onlie using EPIC AADHAAR Seeding portal with OTP (One time password) to your mobile number.
2) Portal Seeding: You can do this through online / internet using EPIC AADHAAR Seeding Portal. In this method, the data of both EPIC and Aadhaar will be verified and seeding can be done.
3) Mobile Seeding (Online through mobile): You can do this through suing exclusive mobile APP loaded on your mobile. The mobile APP get the data of EPIC and seed it with Aadhaar number and updated on the portal.
4) SMS based Seeding: You can type the Aadhaar number and EPIC Card number in the given manner. Ex : SEEDEPIC [space] [EPIC No] [space] [Aadhaar No] is sent to a number given number.
5) Call Center Seeding: You can link Aadhaar with EPIC Voter card by calling the Toll free Call Centre number – 1950. You need to give EPIC Voter Card number and Aadhaar number to the call center executive to validate the proceed with the seeding / linking.