LRS and BPS, BRS Schemes in Telangana, Penalties and Online Applications – 2015

The Government of Telangana has announced BPS / BRS (Building Penalisation / Building Regularisation Schemes) and LRS (Land Regularisation Scheme) for the year 2015 – 2016. The Government authorities have indicated that this is the last chance to regularise unauthorized plots and flats / apartment constructions.

People may apply for regularisation online after paying a fee of Rs. 10000. This BRS / LRS scheme is applicable to the structures and lay outs registered before October 28. The applications will be approved within 6 months.

Following are details of penal charges for BRS and LRS schemes in Telangana 2015:


BPS and LRS in Telangana


BPS Apartments

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  1. I would like to know the guide lines for applying under the BPS scheme. What is permisable and what is Not permisable ?

  2. Scheme not sucess.because 30% to60%on land registration value very much higher side atmost it may 7 to 9% . After regularization govt get taxes irregularly. At most the buiders. And realerts will hype the market.showing this scheme. Atmost individuals may pay an amount on slab rates Rs.10.000 to one lac at. Fixed slabs rates. However rates fixed for slum areas are good. It may sucess. And demands coming to declare to slume areas. And what about rural areas of HMDA.NOTIFIDE AREA.

    1. Dear Rama Mohan Rao garu,
      There is no provision for online application / download of application till now. The Government of Telangana has not announced a website for this. Let us hope the process will start soon.

  3. Dear Sir,

    We have all ready paid earlier the lrs with application Rs, 5000/ so what about the amount witch we have all ready paid on 31-01-2009, after that so many times i pursued but no one has given response .

    1. Hi Suchitra garu,
      It has mentioned in the newspapers that the old applications (unresolved) also will be considered for LRS / BPS scheme 2015. There will be a separate column for these details in online applications where you need to enter old application / DD details. There will be more clarity on this once the online application is available on HMDA website.

  4. I have paid 5000/- earlier through DD in the Year 2008 and then i got an intimation letter to submit the required documents for futher process and then i am following up with them but they were telling LRS not open and finally it came now so how can i proceed with the old application or else i have to apply newly. Please suggest,

  5. respected sir,
    regularization charges are heavy for flats. sir, especially in Hyderabad persons having plot are rich than flat owners. persons who are not able to purchase plot only will go for flats. please think and reduce the rate at par with the individual construction. make fee at least equal to all

    sivakumar reddy

  6. Hello Sir,

    I bought a flat in mettuguda, near sithaphalmandi railway station 6 year back . My questions are as below

    1)How do i check if my flat has been certified under the BPS scheme or not ?.
    2)If not certified, which govt. office do i reach out to for the same ?
    3)Can only my flat be certified under the BPS scheme or i have to bear the charges for all the flats in the apartment ?
    4)Is there any way for individual flat owners to get registered if the flat has been approved during registration ?

    Appreciate your response on the above please.

  7. we have constructed some part of parking area as mentioned in approved plan same time we have open space for parking parking area. please let me know for the below issues
    1) It will come under violation or not
    2) If it is violation we will be eligible for BPS or not
    3) violation charges for sqft or sqmts.

  8. My apartment is in Ghatkesar limits with Gram panchayat approval.
    Actually Gram panchayat should approve for only g plus 2 floors, but all the apartments constructed with extra floors.

    Let me know the method of penalty will be charged for all the floors or extra floor with out approval or any difference between G plus 2 approved floors & extra floors without approval.

  9. Whether penal charges in the Thurkayamjal village, Hayatnagar Mandal are equal to Municipal, Nagara Pamchayat areas.

  10. How it is possible to extend the Roads, and provisions for public places like parks, temples, etc will be given for the plots, by LRS scheme after taking some penalty.
    Once the layouts are made by the Realtor and provisions for public places and open places were not provided but sold out all the plots in that layout, how the layout will be regularized and made on par with HMDA or other UDA norms.
    Actually the Realtors who made that Layouts, and the resposible officers who permitted the layouts should be punished and penalized. How the people who purchased are punished.
    We can go court and issue a Public Interest Litigation (PIL).

  11. sir i have a house in gajularamaram 110 yards this is not layout plot its a private village plot there is no permission and lrs so now direct go to bps scheme please give me clarification
    thanking you

  12. Sir,
    If we make any changes in sale deed through rectification , will it show any effect on the registration date of the original documents . Because the cutoff of registration is August.
    we registered on plot in march .due to errors in area measurement we rectified it now . can we apply for
    brs now as we rectified after cutoff date

  13. we are having a permission for g+2,our appt has constructed g+3 now what is the penal charge.the penal charge will be charge for each flat or for only 3rd flooor

  14. This Scheme is not clear, what government exactly want. First governament, GHMA, HMDA need to stream line the process then beed to go for this regulization.

    While registration the document only they need to verify all this.

    For Eg: Gramapachayiti giving the approval in HMDA Lay out area.
    Why Gramapanchayiti approval required if still under HMDA.

  15. whether my old application is considered for brs which was applied in 2013 and also intimate the charges for 2000 sq.ft apartment(penthouse)

  16. hi sir, my name is surender, i purchased 150 yds a plot in manikonda in feb of 2015, which is having market value of 15 lac, so how much penalty(charges) i have to pay could you tell me please.

  17. Dear Sir,
    I have bought a plot 300 Sq. yards at Laxmareddypalem, Peddamberpet GP, Hayathnagar Mandal in 2010, and at the same time I have taken LRS from MHDA on that old registration document only. And before the Building Construction permission (G+2) also taken from Peddamberpet GP. and constructed only Ground Floor Slab Area of 12 sft. Now what should I do, there is any payments for my house… please clarify…

  18. welcome to Lrs scheme of Telangana Go no 151.There are some technical mistakes in Go. The Go is dated 2/11/2015 and the Go is notified in the gazette on 3/11/2015.and the cut off date is fixed as 28/10/2015 for the individual plot owners on whose name the plot is registered.and said that the order will come in to force from 28/10/2015. The public will be aware of the contents of Go such as cut off date of eligibility etc only on or after 3/11/2015 ie notification in the gazette.Earlier the same Go was dated as 31/12/2007 ,notified on 31/12/2207 and forced on 31/12/200 7 which is correct.Now my question is how the Govt will fix the cut off date for eligibility as 28/10/2015?.when the GO not at all exist an that date.Now I appeal the Govt to kindly substitute the cut off date as 3/11/2015 on which date the GO was notified in the Gazette.Unless the cut off date is substituted for eligibility as 3/11/2015 ie notification in the gazette ,the public who bought such plots and registered in between 29/10/2015 and 3/11/2015 paid huge amounts towards stamp duty and registration charges will be deprived of this facility.As per this GO the plot owners as on 28/10/2015 can avail the facility and the public will take care of the directions of the Go after notification in the Gazette on 3/11/2015. what about the innocent public who transacted in between 29/ 10/2015 and 3/11/2015 where the Go was not in existence at kindly substitute the cut off date as 3/11/2015 where there is no monetery loss to the govt

  19. Sir I have a flat in Santi Nagar measuring 1542 Sq Yds and I am stayining in Chennai due to my job placement.
    What I would like to know are given here under as queries and request to clarify so as to enable me apply & get the flat regularised

    1. If I have to contact any official, please provide his/her name,
    designation, mobile number and e mail id
    2. What are the documents that I have to submit ?
    3. Before submitting if we have to understand the extent of
    deviation, who can help us – we will then come to understand the
    Extent of penalty payable also
    4. Can we come on Saturday and complete the job if we have to
    visit personally ??

    Can you clarify the above and also provide any further / other relevAnt information ??

  20. Sir – further to my above queries kindly note flat size as 1542 Sq Ft & NOT Sq Yds
    Area – Santi Nagar, Opp Mahaveer Hospital, Masab Tank
    Kindly read point 5 as “How to get applications On Line ? What is the process to pay fee online ??

  21. Will you please tell us the maximum file size for uploading of on line application ? How to upload the approved plan copy of A2/A3 sizes?

  22. I have bought one four years old resale flat (1500 sqft) which is located in Balaji hills ,nizampet.Do I need to apply LRS and BRS for this flat or BRS only requered.kindly let me know w.

    Thanks in advanced.

  23. Hi,
    I assume that LRS doesn’t apply for already existing apartment, we need to pay only BRS for that , please confirm if this is true. Also is there any helpdesk or helpline available for BRS,LRS related queries ?

  24. Sir, I want to know the procedure for calculation of penlity for unathorised construction of building. I am paying assesment tax Rs. 10,520/- consturcted one year back G+2, total area is 3150 sqft. now how much i have to pay, Market value is Rs. 18,000/ ,please inform me.

  25. I would like to know the website where I like to apply under LRS scheme, where the land was registered on my father name. Your response will really help me in getting it done.

  26. Dear sir, my house is old construction we are planning to demolish the house and going for new construction ground plus 1st floor, my document is 1984 registration and I am having in1984 grampanchayat permission for house (single floor), market value is 8900 for 173 yrds. Know what I have to do lrs and permission I have to take, please suggest me, and how much I have to spent money for all these.

  27. Dear Sir

    Would like to apply for BRS, but till now there is no on-line application found to do so.

    Is HMDA is planning to accept the applications in person? if so where to submit the application.

  28. All ready we payed full amount as per the procedure in 2013 but so far the order did not issued.and now asking to apply again is great confuse to the people.

  29. pl.provide correct information regarding brs lrs whether existing buildings and recently got approval for further constuction such building under near completing stage.

  30. Sir, from where to down load the application form for LRS and BPS schemes to apply in online process and list of documents to be enclosed. Please provide the link to proceed online registration of LRS,BPS,BRS for my plot and my house. What is the difference between BPS and BRS, which one is to be choosed for voilation of plan for construction of building/house. Last time my LRS application process could not be completed, it is in pending some amount I paid.

  31. Hello. We purchased a flat in an apt. on 2nd floor where there is a G+2 Gram panchayat permissions. There is an unauthorized floor constructed. So who shall supposed to apply for BRS Scheme? All the the flats in apartment or only the flats in unauthorized floor?

  32. How many days have applied the BRS & LRS scheme give permission municipality we are already submitted application and D.D.

  33. Any idea on Urban Land Ceiling Regularisation.Because nothing mentioned about the ULC. There is no clarity on Assigned lands which were properly registered since 20 years.Pending ULC subject LRS will not entertain. Pls give some inputs on the same.

  34. Hi sir does the LRS scheme can be availed by patta land holders who have applied under 58/59 GO along with DD on Jan 2015 if it is so please advice me the procedure

  35. My son purchased a building in an area of about 154.72 Sq.Mts. in Dammaiguda village and panchayat. The land was not approved by HMDA. The panchayat approved the layout and house plan. The costruction of house is also deviated by about 300 Sq.ft. The vendor paid betterment charges to the panchayat at the time of plan approval. I want to regularise the land and building in this scheme. I request to clarify to whom I have applied eighter to GHMC/HMDA. Shall I pay the betterment charges for regularisation of LRS.

  36. I got a semi constructed home ( slab laid) and it is in Nagar Gram panchayat area. The construction approval is expired and the question is we need go for BRS or just an renewal of the construction is enough?

  37. sir ,
    Iam Vanitha we have choosen a place at Bandlaguda Nagole which is 240 yards ,bot the land owner dsnt have the UDA or LRS so how to proceed can we buy that with out any of the above regulaisations and made it done or is he is the only person who can complete this formalities if ,so how much time will it take

  38. Rama Chandraiah

    I had applied for LRS in the year 2010 and paid rs.3000/-, latter I received a letter from HMDA to pay the balance amount Rs.16,000/-. But due to telangana agitation nobody is repond at HMDA Office, Hence I am unable to pay the balance amount. Now what the procedure to continue the same.

  39. I have purchased two plots,measuring 445.94 sq mtrs in survey no-635 situated in Pattancheru Village, Grampanchayat Tellapur, Tlq Sangareddy,Meddak Dist. Thase were sold by Industrial Employees Co-Operative House Building Soceity Ltd,Bandalaguda,Tq Sangareddy. I do have saledeed of 14 July1983. Please advise how to regularise on line so that i can process. I am staying in Bengaluru, Karnataka State and there fore if i am intimated about LRS Form and amount to paid.

  40. I have got permission for G+1 1350sft ;But I constructed G+2 3150 sft then how much have to value 4500 for sqyard

  41. my late son has purchased apiece of land meausuring 1000.sq.yards
    in one of the me know if we are requir ed to pay any charges for betterment/lrs/brs/bps scheme


  42. I paid Rs. 10 000/- towards BRS at warangal Mucipality on 2008.

    Shall i pay now it or not nessary.

  43. Hi, we are now in USA on a 6 months visit and returning on 09.03.16 . Can we apply after return as our documents are in India or any body can pay the required fees now and submit documents after our return

  44. sir,
    what all we need to submit for lrs,
    lr No.LA/HUDA/17/06 , date -17/4/2006,we got govt land acquisition survey no 363/aa tellapur . can u please check and inform whether we can pay lrs.

  45. I have paid earlier for the lrs with application fee of Rs, 5000/- so what about the amount which I have all ready paid in 2013, after that so many times i pursued but no one has given response . For the recent LRS/BRS scheme when I approached the Licenced Surveyor, he is informing that the system is not taking care of the earlier amount paid. I hope the authorities concerned may look into this and do justice duly taking care of the payments made earlier while making the final payment.

  46. I have applied for LRs during 2013 & paid an amount of Rs.1,10,000 towards 50 percent of LRS amount. According to the instructions of the Govt. during 2015 vide G O No.151, 152. I further applied by paying Rs.10,000. I have also filed all the requirements as desired pending “Revenue Sketch”. In regards to Revenue sketch, I have approached the Tahsildar & Dy.Collector, Saroornagar (3) months ago. But, it is pending with the Surveyor, Saroornagar. Recently, the jurisdiction also changed. Now, the Mandal HQs to Meerpet village is Balapur. In regards to Revenue Sketch, the issue is under consideration with the HMDA authorities. So, please finalize my LRs file bearing No: HMDAL21076 at the earliest and inform to my cell no. 9849600245 so as to clear off the pending payment to HMDA and to get the clearance.
    Thanking you, K Suresh Babu, Retired Tahsildar, Mahabubnagar.

  47. Dear Sir,

    Sir i am syed from charminar i applied BRS in December 2015 for Ground
    floor i want to construct  my first floor in this case can i build? if
    i can not construct then any solution because we need very much for
    first floor. Please suggest us.

    What is the status of B R S applied in December 2015?  when the
    regularization scheme starts? any update for this scheme?

    Please guide us what will we do


  48. I would like to apply BRS now., will website allow me to apply. Kindly some one let me know the last date for applying BRS.

    1. The last date to apply for BRS and LRS has been closed. Wait for the next round or approach the office concerned.

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