
Sada Bainama Land Registrations in Andhra Pradesh – GO and Application Procedure

In order to reform and land records in the state, Government of Andhra Pradesh has announced registration of Sada bainama lands across the state. The Sada Bainama registrations were completed recently in Telangana State. The online applications for Sada bainama registrations are accepted through mee seva centers.

Also Read: E-Passbook in Andhra Pradesh

What is Sada Bainama:

Sada Bainama properties are lands being cultivated or used by the buyers without any official registrations. The details of sale / purchase will be just recorded on a white paper. They may be just called as mutual agreements on a paper by the seller and buyer. They do not stand before the law in the event of litigation.

Legality of Sada Bainama lands:

But Sada Bainama type deals have been in practice in villages where the seller and buyer just do not bother about legalities of the deal. These agreements can not be registered by the Government but they create problems afterwards if the ownership changes.

Also Read: Sada Bainama Registration Procedure in Telangana

Registration of Sada Bainama lands:

Government of AP has relaxed the rules on sada bainama lands recently to facilitate registration of such lands. The revenue department has already issued guidelines on 21st June 2018 in this regard.

Only for land below 5 acres:

According to the GO of the government, all the sada bainama lands which were existed before 2nd June 2014 will be allowed for registrations without any stamp duty.

But the Government has restricted the Sada bainama registrations to the lands with the extent of 5 acres or less than that. The registrations are allowed for lands in rural areas and only for lands under cultivation.

The Government has also clarified that the Sada Bainama registrations are treated as one time settlement and has to be resolved in a time frame as imposed by the Government. Rights on Sada Bainama lands will be conferred as per the Pattadar Passbook Act – 1971.

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