TSRTC Online Ticket Booking Website of Telangana
The Telangana State Government has started separate website for online ticket booking in the state. The website has not been hosted at the moment and may go up very soon. The APSRTC website www.apsrtconline.in may also provide a link to the TSRTC online ticket booking website. The new website may be www.tsrtconline.in OR tsrtc.gov.in .
The public from the districts of Telangana, Adilabad, Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Nalgonda, Warangal, Mahaboobnagar, Medak, Khammam, Hyderabad, Rangareddy and other people also can use the website for online ticket booking for various places.
At present APSRTC is providing ticket booking services for Telangana State also. This is incurring losses to the Telangana State in the form of reservation charges. The income is being distributed between both the states.
Though the Telangana State government has changed the names on the buses from APSRTC to TSRTC, several technical problems did not allow the sate to float separate website for the transport service. The loss of income may force the government to start website soon.