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Dharani Website for Online Land Registrations, Mutations, Adangal, Pahani, Maps in Telangana

Dharani Website for Adangal Dharani website / portal of Government of Telangana will be live for the general public from 3rd September 2018. The website has already been launched and not made its services available for people due to technical issues. Dharani is intended to integrated land management system in Telangana.

Pahani, Village Map:

People can see the download Pahani, Village Land Map through Dharani website. It will work like Maa Bhoomi website. Public can get this data through entering Aadhaar, Khata number or survey number.

Also Read: Dharani Land Records – Step by Step Procedure

Following are the benefits of Dharani portal:

1) The Government of Telangana has identified 1.42 crore acres as litigation free and details of all the records of these lands will be available on Dharani website. All the transactions of these lands will be recorded immediately on this website.

2) Farmers have to go to the SRO / MRO / Tahasildar office with Aadhaar card, Electronic Title Deed cum Pattadar Passbook, Sale Deed document to buy or sell their lands. Notice will be generated online once the transaction is completed and mutation will take place within a specific period if no objections are raised.

3) Stamp Duty and Registration fees have to be paid online before transaction takes place at Tahasildar office. Tahasildar will check the receipts and registration will be completed. Updated land records will be available for all the people.

4) Apart from Sada Bainama lands, Assigned lands, the Government of Telangana has also displayed the details of litigated lands on Dharani website.

Also Read: Get Pahani, Adangal, 1B on Dharani Website

Pilot Project:

The Dharani website based registrations will be done in 5 districts on a pilot project basis. Registrations and mutations will be carried out through Dharani portal.

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