Hyderabad HMDA Draft Master Plan- Objections and Suggestions

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) has released the Draft Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Plan covering an area of 5,965 sq. km. The draft plan including the areas newly added to the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region has been notified and also placed them for objections and suggestions from the public. The HMDA Draft plan has included various new areas from Ranga Reddy, Medak, Nalgonda and Mahaboobnagar district. Following picture / image will give an understanding of the extension of HMDA. Now, the total area of HMDA has been extended as mentioned below:

1. Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) : 5,018 sq.km
2. Outer Ring Road Growth Corridor :330 sq.km
3. Parts outside ORR of erstwhile HUDA : 432 sq.km
4. Erstwhile Hyderabad Airport Development Authority : 185 sq.km

Now the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region extends to the following regions according to Master Draft Plan:

1. Toopran on North along the NH-7
2. Bhongir on the East along the NH-202
3. Chotuppal on South- East along NH-9
4. Yacharam on South along the Nagarjunasagar State Highway
5. Kandukur along the Srisailam State Highway
6. Shadnagar on South- West along the NH-7
7. Chevella and Aloor along the Vikarabad State Highway
8. Sangareddy (Medak Dist.) on the West along the NH-9.

The draft plan includes Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Sangareddy and Bhongir Municipalities and a total of 849 Revenue villages. The Draft Master Plan covers 35 mandals in the four adjoining districts of Hyderabad. These are from Ranga Reddy, Medak, Nalgonda and Mahabubnagar districts. The plan is drawn for a time period up to 2,031 taking into consideration a population of about 184 lakhs. All the concerned people can express their objections and suggestions on Draft Master Plan for a period of two months starting from July 22, 2011 to 21st September 2011. The concerned form / facility will be available on the HMDA website www.hmda.gov.in’ from July 22, 2011.

The objections and suggestions will be inspected at the HMDA office at Tarnaka and also at its zonal offices at Medchal, Shamshabad, Ghatkesar, and Shankarpally apart from Sangareddy Municipal office. People can also get a soft copy of the Draft Plan from HMDA Tarnaka office and its four zonal offices along with Municipalities of Sangareddy and Bhongir by paying Rs. 100. After scrutinizing all the objections and suggestions, the draft plan would be finalized and sent to the government for final approval.

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  1. Dear Sir,
    HMDA is planning is good but Construction of Sewerage Treatment Plant/Effluent Treatment Plants in the Residential areas is nothing but a Flaw in the Planning. It is heartening to see STP/ETP in the Residential Localities near Uppal/Nagole which are booming with the Residential Growth and Residents in and around these STPs are suffering due to skin diseases, ground water pollution, because these STP/ETP are treating the Effluents relased by the Industrial Areas which are located in Uppal/Nacharam/Mallapur.
    Kindly shift these STP/ETP out of the Residential areas for a better advise they should go out of the Ring Road.
    So also dumping yards should go out of the City Outskirts, Dumping Yard at Jawahar Nagar literally polluted the so called Pollution free villages of Cheeriyal and Jawahar Nagar causing skin diseases to the residents.
    Either these IDAs should be shifted out to new locations or an option to be given to them for conversion into Commercial Areas which the Government of Tamil Nadu has done keeping the booking IT Industry in view.

    This kind of upgradation will encourage the already existing Industries for encashing the Benefit and also encourage them to shift to safer/outer areas.

    Kindly keep these sugestions in view before finalizing the Master Plan.

  2. It is great news that hyderabad is going to be grow to level of international city. however public here not becoming to international standard, they should understand real requirements , here I would like to say regarding obstructions on roads in the form of temples/ mosques/ churches etc., these are all built by us, if we want we can built some where else more buitiful than the existing. I do not understand why puplic are so pecuiar to hold these on main roads. Many example in hyderabad where beutiful road all of suddensly narrows due to some of temple/ mosque or church causes lot of traffic jam and inconvinient to all of us irrespective of religion.
    I request all hyderabadians to understand situation and co-operate in removing these places from main roads.


  3. It is necessary to take feed back from lower level to develop according to his ideas and knowledge. First of all educate all people regarding developmental activities and take feed back. Developing means enjoying max people they are in that area. There is lot of difference observed surrounding HYB like political, educational, emotional, agriculture, territorial (land) season etc.
    Developing the area according to public opinion there fore max out put will come.

  4. sir, we r very proud to be residents of hyd & we r happy about latest master plan. my request is during final approval of masterplan pls consider chegur village of kottur mandal mahboob nagar dist. as complete residential zone because as there are no agriculture farms there & as complete chegur village is thickly populated area.


    PLOT NO.73
    SURVEY NO. 195 24 127 128


    MOB.NO. 9989258591

    1. You can contact at HMDA Office for these clarifications. Also try to check HMDA website for unauthorized layouts.

  6. HMDA master plan is good but its implementation draw back with political hands my suggestion is take dis-ion with MC& HMDA staff Dear Sir,
    STP/ETP in the Residential Localities near Uppal/Nagole which are booming with the Residential Growth and Residents in and around these STPs are suffering due to skin diseases, ground water pollution, because these STP/ETP are treating the Effluents relased by the Industrial Areas which are located in Uppal/Nacharam/Mallapur.
    Kindly shift these STP/ETP out of the Residential areas for a better advise they should go out of the Ring Road.

    This kind of upgradation will encourage the already existing Industries for encashing the Benefit and also encourage them to shift to safer/outer areas.

    Kindly keep these sugestions in view before finalizing the Master Plan.

  7. The conservation zone proposed in the master plan is not a field reality. In Indresham village of Patancheru mandal of Medak dist as per the maps published by Sy&Land records in 1961 the small hillocks and forest zone sorrounding it has been clearly marked and existing on the ground as on today according to the map. However the proposed master plan makers drawn their own zone by leaving the originally marked areas. The owners of the land in which conservation zone is proposed are not aware of the proposal and the authorities have not taken pains to intimate the concerned patrties or atleast to the Grampanchayaths which were existing till recently. The master plan makers indicated in their text that they have taken Survey&land records maps,irrigation maps,revenue records and satellite maps while preparing the master plan but they violated their own stipulated rules. I would like to bring it to the notice of the concerned authorities that in Sy. numbers from 106 to 133 except 126,129,130,131&132 the entire land has been plotted in 1986 itself and sold out the plots.The authorities can verify the facts from registration office at Sangaredy. There is a road of 90 feet width in this venture which was approved by the grampanchayath Indresham village, It is surprising to note that 45 meters road is proposed through Rameshwarambanda and Indresham without considering the ground reality and without considering the layouts approved by the grampanchayaths decades ago. It could have been proper while drawing the roads on paper to consult the local people about the existing roads and local needs. There is big question in the minds of local people that why such a 45 meter road should be laid just about less than 3 K.Ms. from the ORR of hyderabad. One will surprise the road is passing through waters of sadarchervu(water logging) waters with serpentine bends. The authorities should remember the uproar of public while forming ORR and even today it has not been forgotten by the local people. In this case also most of the lands are purchased by the non-locals long back and not a single inch of land of them have not touched in the proposed plan the locals lands are targetted to laying of roads and in the name of conservation zone. The proposed 45 meter road is of no use in this area since it is not at all touching a single habitat. Instead of that road the present link roads should be strenthened by widening them with minimum funds. Yhe developement of the area will be very fast. In case the authorities are adamant and stick to their stand, innumerable legal litigations will come out.
    Hence I request that the 45 meter road to deleted and forest i.e conservation zone must be considered as per the ground reality and survey maps and revenue records.
    P.Narender Reddy

    1. Hope HMDA is taking care while preparing a integrated master plan of 2016-2017.

      If not, kindly have a look onto it as the people who purchased the plots on the road side wherein that road approaches to Rameshwaram Banda(less than 2km), Indresham village of Patancheru mandal not able to construct the houses as people are in fear of loosing their plots in road widening and no developments taking place even as of today too and the road ends in Rameshwaram Banda and no villages after this.

      Request to consider to shorten the road widening so that plot owners towards the road side can come forward for construction of houses and developments can start from thereon and these layouts were made much earlier to master plan.

      The proposed 30 meter road is of no use in this area since it is not at all touching a single habitat.

  8. In HMDA draft master plan-while going from ORR junction at Shamshabad to Thimmapur on NH-7 (approximately at a distance of 2.5 K.M. from ORR junction)-on the right hand side after crossing the railway crossover bridge at Thondupally,it was shown as white colour up to 1.5 K.M. from the bridge by mistake.The same mistake was carry forward from the HADA draft master plan onwards.The same may be corrrected in the HMDA master plan.
    My farm land unit is situated at survey no:251 part,NARKODA village and survey no:39/1,GANDIGUDA village ,Shamshabad mandal,RangaReddy district.
    Here I am bringing to your notice ,the mistakes done while drawing the HADA/HMDA draft master plan.
    1)The white colour line given in the HADA/HMDA draft master plan along the NH-7 is only meant for identification purpose and colourful map.
    Neither it was assigned with any meaning/specification nor exactly following the demarcated formation of existing 200 ft NH-7 in HADA /HMDA master plan and also the width of the white colour line is not as per scale-instead of showing 200 ft ,it was shown as 500 ft for identification purpose.
    2) 80 ft road on both sides of the existing railway boundary line is not as per scale. For identification purpose,it was enlarged.The same may given due care while preparing the HMDA master plan.
    3)At my farm land unit ,the gap between NH-7 edge(200 ft) to the proposed 80 ft road from the demarcated railway boundary line is 600 ft.But in map,it was painted with white colour.
    4)While preparing the HMDA master plan ,the due care may be taken while drawing the roads exact width and it should match exactly with the
    present formation / demarcation of NH-7.
    P.Rajendra kumar,
    Mobile no:09443009792.

  9. Reg: Approach from ORR service road to our land at muttangi village junction of survey no 170 beside GPR plots. GPR has given approach of 40 ft road before ORR. Now this is going to block by HMDA ORR to give direct approach from the service road. How can we get approach to our land. Please give the approach from ORR service road to already existing approach of 40 ft road of GPR. Please consider this issue, and do needful to us.

    Thanking you sir,


  10. me the person i want make some suggestion abt the hmda plan which r located at ghatkesar mandal edulabad chervu which is used for buffer land in the plan.according to my suggestion there ie no neccasary o that huge land for buffer for external use.it should be in less land it will make lot of devolopment for the farmers who r staying there.please conway ur reply for this matter .thanku for giving oppertunity to give suggestions about master plan of hmda government.

  11. Sir, Kottur Mandal = village Nandagaum Sy. No.1746, 1747. is mentioned as peri urban area. I have found several different types of industries including that of Steel wire plant etc., Now I am interested to put up an Industry in the above mentioned Survey Nos. If you have any objections, please write up.

  12. dear sir

    it is good to see the master plan of hyderabad ,but we do not have clarification on certain issue.
    1 you are master plan map showing 30 metre road either side of railway track ,whiche boundries of railways. were know one from the department can give the clarification. Is this road is coming down of not ,if it is coming when it is going to come.

  13. kindly let us know according to which AP Go the roads
    long with the railway track 100 feets either side are drafted .
    kindly clarify the roads are 100 feets from the Railway boundries or Railway track.is it applied to track of moulali to sanathanagar by pass road also kindly give he reply on this.

  14. HMDA Approved layouts on Srisailam Road near Thummalur gate i.e., MAK Projects, Sri Priya Town ship’s GREEN WICH and VIVID VENICE are now falling in Conservation zone (Residential construction is prohibited) as per this Draft layout.
    This reflects on the quality of work that has gone into preparing this draft plan preparation.

    1. pls kindly confirm whether the Sri Priya Green wich township is falling under conversation zone, if so how could HMDA approve the project….i am a bit confused on this…

  15. sir

    we have one more Plot at Mangapur Village , Medak dist. this Road is coming on Toopran to Sangareddy Road , so please taken road Width only 40 Feet

  16. as per Hmda Plan our Weigh Bridge is going in Road, so we Purchase i.e we taken From Center Road 50 Feets, but now please our consider in Total Toad widith is 60 Feets , this is ok but morthen this our Bussinan is going our so please Help me & our Family this is only our Food & Bred, we have four Partnaers. . Our Addres: New Gayathri Wiegh Bridge, Nastipur, Meadk Dist.Hatnoor, Manda. A. P. PIN 502296

  17. Dear Sir,
    I would like to tell you that many people have purchased land at Shamshabad Mandal thinking that it will developed to residential area,but as large part of area falls under bio conservative zone.Please consider all middle class people who have invested their hard earned money in that area and we request you to make it residential area and limit the bio conservative area which will be a great relief to thosands of people.Thank you.
    Ram Panthi.

  18. From: Mrs. Navari Lalitha
    C/o. B. Srinivas Goud
    H.No. 6-1-311/1, Venkatapuram Colony,
    Secunderabad- 500 025.

    The Vice Chairman
    Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority,
    Tarnaka, Secunderabd.

    Dear Sir,

    Sub:- Objection for Survey Numbers 302, 303, Zonig In Bhanoor Village, Patancheru Mandal, Medak District. Change from Recreation Zone to Residential Zone.

    Ref:- Draft Mater Plan 2031.

    We Bring to your kind notice that the lands in Survey Nos. 302 and 303 of Bhanoor Village in Patancheru Mandal have been demarcated as plots, The layout being sanctioned by village panchayat in the year 1992.

    Several Individuals have already purchased and sold the plots in that layout. I am the owner of plot No. 74, 75, 76, 77, 79 and 80 vide Sale deed No. 121/12, of Book -1, Dated: 04/01/2012.

    We understand from the Draft Master Plan that these lands under Survey Numbers 302 and 303 have been marked under recreation Zone.

    We now request you to kindly record our objection for the above and make necessary arrangements to classify these lands under residential zone.

    We herewith enclose copy of Sale Deed and layout.

    Thanking you,
    Yours faithfully,

    Dt 27 th March 2012

    Encl: 1. Layout Copy
    2. Sale Deed
    3. HUDA Draft map (highlighted) Survey No. 302.

    1. Hello Laliltha garu,

      I am planning to take one plot, this survey number title is clear? or any disputes associate with it. Please reply ASAP, or my number is 7702457774 you can give a call and help on this.

  19. i have a peice of land on the national highway 7 in gundlapochampally village , ranga reddy district. and the Survey no.87 .

    I was nitrested to know the whether that above said sy.no.is under commercial/resedential /agriculture.

    If you can let us know how to apply for the same or let us know by the reply to this mail we shall be greatfull to you.

    thanks in anticpation and your help will be always remembered at all times


  20. Dear Sir/ madam,
    It is good to see the master plan of Hyderabad but seems this plan is designed based on assumptions by looking at some old documents without considering ground reality.
    1. In the master plan map showing 30 meter road either side of railway track. It means 100 feet road either side of railway track
    2. As per the plan the roads were shown for only few KM(one or two villages) , what about remaining distance (example Secunderabd to Ghatkesar, or Secunderabd to Worrangal). If they are implementing this road covering for long distance then its good, but master plan is showing for only short distance. I don’t how much useful this plan

    3. What will happen to the houses and Open plots within 30 meter range either side of railway track which are built with GRAMPANCHAYAT approvals prior to master plan and how will government compensate the owners of houses and Plots impacted by this master plan
    4. If there is a master plan then why government was not informed to land registration offices and GRAMPANCHAYAT and blocked further transactions on impacted lands
    Kindly clarify…

    Thanks in advance


  21. Can you please let me know the servey no 76/a and 76/c from adibatla village,is there any road is proposed in these servey nos , if so please consider the existing roads for proposed masterplan

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